Wednesday 14 March 2012

(Please See) Japan

I've just gotten round to watching this two part documentary on Japan; one year after the horrific events which occured there last year.

It's heartbreaking, inspirational and uplifting.

I know it sounds so cliche; but to see how strong and forward moving the survivors are, from the terrifying earthquake & tsunami, is simply mind blowing.

Please watch both parts, as it gets to captivating to hear from the people themselves:

This short film also documents the aftermath from the horrific radiation contamination.

Their focus is on reducing energy consumption (more so, than switching to greener energy) which is something to keep in mind as the WWF Earth Hour is approaching this year. Perhaps it makes it easier for us to bear being without energy for one hour after witnessing the massive impact thrown upon their day-to-day living?

<3 The short film was uploaded by People Tree <3

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