Sunday 27 November 2011

Knitting Fashion 69: Miser Mittens

A few years back, my Grandma handed me down all of her old knitting supplies; including what is now 'my stash' of needles in all lengths and sizes, some fantastic crochet and knitting patterns (torn out from 80's 'ladies fashion-esque' magazines and all a bit dog-eared for that authentic retro-knit-feel) and this book...

 It's a real jem; the first half of the book is dedicated to explaining every kind of technique and knitting querie you could think of. Seemingly, it was commissioned by the BBC. I think, years back, this was a short series of television shows, which later got published in paper form. (How great is that - knitting on the box and then into a book!?)

 I've always wanted to knit myself a pair of fingerless gloves.  'Knitting Fashion' had a nice, simple looking pattern in it, titled 'Miser Mittens' (all the patterns are numbered in the book - this one was 69 out of 150).  I decided it was time to put this classic beaut of knitting knowledge to use (not to mention find a use for that ball of Regia sock yarn I picked up in a sale eons ago...)
Resulting in these:
 I feel the photographs here really do not do them justice - I'm so pleased with the result.  They fit perfectly and this yarn is gorgeous, so soft to wear.  Will definitely use it again.
The pattern was great! So easy to follow, such a simple item to make once you see how it is done... (Think I know what the fam are getting for Christmas this year).

Knitting Fashion is definitely still very 'now' and goes to show that knitting is no longer just for Grannies -
it's for their grandchildren nowadays!
Cheers Grandma


granna said...

Hi Laura, I have this book as well, I bought it way back in 1976 before I married its a brilliant book ,it must be as I have kept it for 37 years like you I'm about to knit my second pair of miser mittens from it.

... Laura BAX... said...

Oh wow, that is fantastic! Thanks for getting in touch.
I love this book so much - you are right it is brilliant!
All my best knitting & crochet books are the older ones.
I want to knit nearly every jumper in it, as well as the dresses and maybe try crocheting some of the bikinis.
I'm never throwing this book away!
Have fun knitting the mittens, I am still using mine this winter!