Monday 26 September 2011

The Big Knit 2011

As some of you may be aware, those lovely people at Innocent Smoothies hold a little known event every year called The Big Knit.  Knitters from all over the country get their needles going to make little wooly hats for Innocent's smoothie bottles.  These are sold throughout shops and 25p from each be-hatted bottle sold is donated to Age UK.  Brilliant!

So I've been putting my stash and wooly oddments to use and knitted up a few myself...

I think they could do with some bobbles though...
These little guys are around 1.5 inches high; guess I'd better brush up on my minature-pom-pom-making skills!

1 comment:

themakeuplady said...

i love having a skill i can use for charity! clearly you do too :))) looking forward to seeing the pom poms :)))x