Sunday, 29 April 2012

Pink PomPoms

Another pair of pompom socks...

{This time for my friend Nicola}

All wrapped up and waiting for her feet

Pink tissue paper
Plastic wrapping
Blue cord trim
All recycled

 I used a chunky DK fluffy pink yarn for the rib...
 Then a white DK for the rest of the sock, which had flecks of yellow, pink, green & blue dotted about in it

Saturday, 28 April 2012

vintage BUTTONS

1p each (...!)

I spent a total of 12p.
Got these from the vintage fair at Shoreditch Town Hall this Sat.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Sunday Night Knitting

I seem to be enjoying starting new projects [as opposed to finishing them] at present.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

in my garden

My little North-London outdoor space.

You wouldn't think it from the photo, but it was chucking it down when I took this.

This has been the perfect partner for my ears this afternoon ~
In My Garden - Swans 1987
[I'd almost forgotten how incredible Swans are]

BIKE chain maile

Lookie what I made today

{ Gun metal bike chain links (recycled) }
 Like it? Buy it

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Characters { V&A }

Good guys, from the V&A...

 Nobody & Somebody - Characters from a book published first published in 1592.
Nobody (on the left) was made in China (1680 - 1700) and Somebody was made in London (1680 - 1685)

Wooden tiger conquers man.  Not the greatest photo but this rules.

Dog conquers serpent.  He's so casual about it.

~ gallery guards ~

~ Burmese guards ~

Monday, 16 April 2012

ribbons ribbons bows

Just came across these photos I took last year of an installation piece by VV Rouleaux at the 2011 Creative Sitch & Craft Show.  About 30ft high or so.

pour mon père

My Dad is my hero.
Nothing says 'you mean the world to me' more than a handmade card.
This is what he got from his twenty-something-year-old daughter for his birthday in March:

 ...And just a few of many, many handmade cards from previous occassions:
[ One of my favourites was when I got a spoke and bent it into the shape of 'DAD' ]
[ Or when I superimposed his face onto the head of Chris Hoy having just won gold on the track ]
my Dad may have something to do with my love for bikes

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Friday, 13 April 2012

Gem ~ Stones & Gold ~ Wire

Some better images of the beautiful jewellery I bought earlier this week ~

Some pieces are created from single, large, statement stones. Others used a variety of smaller ones; some smooth, some unpolished.  Meaning the shapes and forms created vary.


So different from anything that is out there at the moment - look for the fabulous lady who makes & sells these for ONLY £10 in Old Spitlefields Market & Portobello.

{made from semi-precious stones & gold wire}

Thursday, 12 April 2012

[just the way] i like to shop

Tuesday was a day well spent. 

It started with a quick trip to my local charity shop Scope, as I'd seen a dress in there last week and was silly enough to walk away from it. 

Lucky, though, it was still there.

It's not usualy something I'd go for, but it really called out to me and for £5, you can't go wrong. 
I had an Etsy order to ship out to the States I was quite happy about - the first chain maile necklace I'd put online sold, so watch this space for more very soon.  For now, though, I still have bicycle chain bracelets, chain maile earrings & my charity bees for sale...

I enjoyed the nice 4 or so mile walk down to Spitlefields and met up with my good friend Penny; then spent the day wandering Old Spitlefields market & reminiscing in the vintage shops along Brick Lane.
I got some great buys...

First up, was these cool carved characters:
Hand crafted animal pens!
Ace.  There were so many others too... Turtles, lions, wolves, sharks, birds...

 Then I came across the stall of Conquer clothing.
Original (and ethical) illustrated vests, tees, sweatshirts, hoodies and artwork.
So refreshing.
Actually some unique illustration out there which makes a change. 
Fell in love.
Although my vest has quite an optimistic feel to it, a lot of the designs had a real dark side to them. 
I like.
The third amazing find was a stall full of the most beautiful handmade, semi-precious stone jewellery I have possibly ever seen:
 (My own chain maile necklace is sneaking in this photo - and the charity shop dress I'd picked up that morning...)
This fabulous woman was making these beauts using gold wire & stones to create rings, which she sells with a chain, so you can choose to wear it on your finger, or round your neck.

I found it so hard to pull myself away.
So I came away with this white quartz necklace and this turquoise, rose & lilac stone ring ~
Here's mine & Penny's new rings...
  She was such a wonderful person too; unfortunately she didn't have a website, but go find her in Old Spitlefields Market or Portobello. Now.

The green beaded ring I got for Penny as part of her birthday present (this Friday 13th) from Trade charity shop on Holloway Road.  {Love that shop}

She also got a token pair of hand knitted socks this year, too ~
~ and she loved them, hurrah!

Penny's Pom Poms

Knitted especially for my fantastic friend Penny ~

~ Taken from the pattern Peppermint Pompoms in Knitted Sock Sensations

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Older & Bolder

Flicking through one of last week's Metro paper on my break, this article snapped up my attention:
I always used to see the lady on the right on Brick Lane when I had my market stall there.
She always looked so good.  I hope I'm as stylish when I grow up.
These lady's look amazing.  I bet it's so effortless for them too.