Sunday, 8 August 2010

Bike Chain Jewellery now sold in Italy!

A few weeks ago a couple of fine Italians snapped up a load of my recycled bicycle chain bracelets & keyrings, to sell in their shop in Italy.

So if you are heading over there in the near future, look out for an establishment under the name of 'Cheesecake' and you may spy a few of my creations!

Their website; full of info on the shop, style & all sorts of on trend going-ons; is here:

(Although be warned; if you don't speak Italian - like myself - you may find it a little tricky to understand!)

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

New Bicycle Earrings Online!

Check them out here:

Hand Knitted Bags For Your Treasures

Bags to stash your mobiles, cameras, MP3s & any other treasures you choose, hand knitted by myself, giving a use to all my odds & ends of yarn from knitting projects of yonder!
Now available on my website

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Egg Mag!

I have been using my old copy of the fantastic Egg Mag to create paper bags, which I use to sell my items in at my market stalls.

Here they are having made themselves onto the lovely EggMag's website:

Check them out and keep your eye out around London & Brighton for a free copy of the mag, it's utterly awesome!!!
Not to mention the magazine which inspired me to donate my profit from all of my bee sales to help save the honey bees!
I have also finally been able to part with my pile of old Howies catalouges; (for some reason they're so lovely it's hard to part with them?!) by recycling them in the same fashion.

Have a look through my previous posts for some pics of them! Better still, come and see me on Sunday's at the Backyard Market on Brick Lane and view them for real!

See my website for more information on my creations & my honey-bee-saving-bees!